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Qedma’s Error Mitigation Software Now Available within IBM’s Qiskit Functions

VMblog (US): Qedma’s Error Mitigation Software Now Available within IBM’s Qiskit Functions

IBM makes developing for quantum computers easier with the Qiskit Functions Catalog

Qedma’s Error Mitigation Software Now Available within IBM’s Qiskit Functions

Qedma’s Next-Generation Quantum Error-Mitigation Software Available As IBM Qiskit Function

סטארטאפ המחשוב הקוונטי הישראלי קדמה חתם על שת”פ עם IBM

הישג ישראלי בתחום המחשוב הקוונטי: הטכנולוגיה של קדמה תיכנס למערכות של IBM

Qedma and IBM Sign Agreement to Provide Error Mitigation Software to IBM’s Premium Customers

Qedma Signs Agreement with IBM to Provide Error Mitigation Software